What high-growth startups need to know about accounting

Are you a funded and growing startup looking to get your finances in order? Starting a business can be an exciting and daunting task, and with the right knowledge of accounting basics, you can stay on top of your finances and ensure everything is running smoothly.

This blog post covers everything you need to know about accounting for startups, including tracking income and expenses, tax considerations, and the benefits of professional accounting services. Keep reading to learn how to manage your startup’s finances effectively.

I. Overview of Accounting for Startups:

As a high-growth startup, understanding accounting is crucial for your business’s success and longevity. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Accrual vs. Cash Basis Accounting: Accrual and cash basis accounting are two methods of recording transactions. Most businesses prefer an accrual basis as it records transactions when they occur, providing a clearer long-term financial picture. Cash basis is simpler, recording transactions only when money changes hands, and is often used by small businesses or sole proprietorships. Definitely go with the accrual basis method if you are on a fast growth journey. 
  • Keeping Accurate Records: Accurate record-keeping helps with taxes, tracking expenses, monitoring cash flow, identifying cost-saving opportunities, reporting profits/losses to stakeholders, and avoiding legal issues.
  • Financial Statements: Financial statements summarize a company’s financial activity over a period (usually a year). The three types of financial statements are balance sheets, income statements, and statements of cash flows. These statements help lenders and investors assess the company’s current debt obligations, creditworthiness, and past performance to make informed decisions about future investments or acquisitions.
  • Setting Up An Accounting System: Best practices include separating accounts, defining roles, performing reconciliations, establishing policies, creating templates, taking backups, and complying with regulations. This will help keep your data secure and organized while streamlining daily operations. If you are looking for accounting software to use, check out our blog to pick the one that best fits your needs.
  • In-House Accountants vs. External Services: While in-house accountants offer faster turnaround times, they come with additional overhead costs that could break the bank. External services can offer more flexibility and often charge lower fees, but weigh both options carefully before deciding which is best for your business needs.

II. Tracking Income Expenses

Maintaining accurate records of income and expenses is crucial for the financial health of any funded startup. Proper accounting not only helps to make informed business decisions but also helps to identify areas for growth and cost-cutting. To track revenue, startups must record all product sales, service fees, and associated discounts or refunds. Similarly, operational and non-operational expenses such as payroll, rent, utilities, inventory, advertising, legal fees, and taxes should also be tracked to provide an accurate picture of the business’s financial performance.

To ensure sufficient cash flow, startups should track their cash inflow and outflow. This will help identify areas where additional funding may be required or where cost-cutting measures can be taken. Tracking investments made by the startup is necessary to accurately report the company’s financial status.

Finally, account for receivables – unpaid invoices that need to be collected from clients – so that your business has accurate records of how much money is owed at any given time. When filing taxes, it’s important that you track all business expenditures as well as deductions applicable for tax purposes; this will ensure that all applicable tax credits are taken advantage of while minimizing potential liability issues down the road. By taking these steps, startups can ensure their financial records remain accurate and up-to-date throughout their lifespan.

III. Tax Considerations

When it comes to funded and growing start-ups, taxes can be a daunting prospect. To help business owners navigate the complexities of tax regulations, here’s an overview of your tax considerations. 

The first consideration is the chosen type of business structure. Each structure, such as LLC, C-Corp, and S-Corp, has different taxation requirements and implications.

  • LLCs pass through profits (and losses) to their members or owners.
  • C-Corps‘s paid out dividends may be subject to double taxation. You can never go wrong with a Delaware C-corp. This is what your investors will expect and be most comfortable with. 
  • S-Corp owners only pay taxes on their own income from the company but must meet certain criteria to qualify. This is for businesses that make more than $250K and do not plan on raising rounds of capital. 

In addition to business structure, tax considerations also extend to employees and contractors. Employers have the responsibility to withhold federal income, Social Security, and Medicare taxes from employee paychecks, and they must issue a 1099 form to contractors who earn over $600 in a calendar year by January 31st of the following year, reporting their earnings for tax purposes. If self-employed individuals anticipate owing at least $1k in taxes when filing their annual return, they may need to make estimated quarterly payments, so it’s important that businesses keep accurate financial records throughout the year to ensure accurate calculation of these payments when they are due.

IV. Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Accurate projections based on past performance metrics are essential for successful financial management in funded startups. They inform investment decisions, budgeting, and future planning, reducing the risk of common financial mistakes and increasing long-term success.

To ensure financial success, fast-growth startups should:

  1. Keep precise records to understand their financial health and performance.
  2. Differentiate between GAAP and cash basis accounting for the appropriate application.
  3. Accurately classify income and expenses to avoid penalties and maintain tax compliance.

Growing startups can safeguard their financial success by staying informed and implementing these practices.

V. Benefits of Professional Accounting Services

As a startup, having an experienced and knowledgeable accountant on board can help you easily navigate the complexities of accounting. These services provide a range of benefits, including:

  • Ensuring Accuracy and Efficiency: Professional accountants can help you identify areas for improvement, such as reducing unnecessary costs and streamlining processes, giving you peace of mind that your financial records are accurate and up-to-date.
  • Expert Advice: Experienced accountants can offer expert advice on cash flow, budgeting, taxes, investments,, and other financial matters to help businesses make sound decisions for long-term success.
  • Accessible Tax Information: Professional accountants stay up-to-date with tax laws to provide relevant information for tax filing, ensuring they utilize all applicable deductions and prevent potential penalties or fines due to noncompliance.
  • Real-time Insight into Performance: With access to real-time data about your business’s performance – including current cash flow levels, income versus expenses, and assets versus liabilities – they provide real-time insights into a business’s performance, helping identify trends to make adjustments or decisions on investments and funding.
  • Seamless Integration with Other Business Processes & Systems: A qualified accountant can help set up efficient financial management systems that integrate with other business processes, such as CRM, inventory control, and POS systems.

Why Cypher

Proper financial management is crucial for the success of high-growth startups. By understanding the complexities of accounting and leveraging the expertise of professional accountants, these startups can ensure accurate and efficient handling of their finances. This helps them avoid common mistakes inexperienced entrepreneurs make and provides valuable insights for informed decision-making, budgeting, and growth planning.

At Cypher, we specialize in helping founders and CEOs grow their businesses by leveraging the expertise of professional accountants. To ensure efficient and cost-effective management of your finances, we avoid the common mistakes often made by inexperienced entrepreneurs in accounting matters.

With our support, you can focus on driving your startup to success while knowing that your financial management is in expert hands.

Contact us today to find out more.

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